The Ames Community Arts Council will host its annual Arts Awards Celebration on Sunday, April 22 at 1:30 p.m. at the Octagon Center for the Arts [427 Douglas Ave., Ames]. The public is invited to join the Arts Council in honoring those who have supported and encouraged the arts through their extraordinary actions and exemplary service to the Ames community. This event is free and open to everyone. Refreshments will be served. Music will be provided by Ames Community Arts Council member Reggie Greenlaw.
The following awards will be given:
The following awards will be given:
Barbara Schendel is receiving the Hazel Hammer Cherished Volunteer Award. As a charter member of the Ames Chamber Artists, she has been instrumental in not only the formation but also the growth of the ensemble, serving as the "force behind ticket sales for the Ames Chamber Artists for all of its 30 years." We are thrilled to recognize Barbara for "working so tirelessly in the background to help make the [Ames Chamber Artists] a great success."
Nominated by Jim Coppoc, Jennifer Knox will receive the Bill Pelz Arts Advocacy Award. While her successes are many, the nomination is in response to her Iowa Bird of Mouth project, which brought together "the words and stories of bird lovers, bird watchers, writers, artists, musicians, teachers, students, scientists, non-profits..." in a way that not only energized the poetry community, but brought in a whole new demographic of budding writers.
Marilyn Johnson was nominated by the Senior Variety Show to receive the Distinguished Board Member Award. As noted in her nomination, "Every organization has at least one person that is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. That person, for the Senior Variety Show, is Marilyn Johnson. We are a better organization because she works with us. She is always positive and sees the best in all people."
Morning Bell Coffee Roasters, nominated by Kyle Renell, will be recognized with the Art in the Workplace Award. With its gallery-like configuration, Morning Bell features local artists each month, making art an integral component of the businesses' aesthetic. "In a fairly short period of time, [Morning Bell] has created a space that is welcoming to everyone, and an invaluable resource to the Ames art community."
The Local Treasure Award will be given to former Ames Community Arts Council president, Sara Merritt. Nominated by Stan Rabe, Sara has benefited the Ames Arts Community as a dancer, teacher, visual artist, and community arts advocate. A generous and multi-skilled individual, Sara has willingly shared her time, talent, and treasure with those around her.
Retiring after 18 years in the Ames School District, Laurie Olk will receive the Art Educator Award. Nominated by Jim Coppoc, Laurie has been an inspiration to countless students, and a major contributor to Ames' status as a top art program in the state. Passionate about using the arts to teach students to think, Laurie has dedicated her career to advocating for art's place in education through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math).
Priscilla Sage "has dedicated her life to creating a laudable body of sculptural works of art, as well as transforming minds and hearts to include art in daily living." Nominated by University Museums, Priscilla's perpetual support of and engagement in the arts has helped to build and sustain the great arts community found in Ames. As such, Priscilla epitomizes the individual worthy of receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Ames Community Arts Council is supported in part by the City of Ames Commission on the Arts (COTA). For more information about this event, visit our website: